Reveal of the temporary intervention "Storm Door" by Krassimir Terziev

Invitation to the unveiling of "Storm Door" at St. Kassians-Platz on August 31.
Reveal of "Storm Door" by donumenta Artist in Residence Krassimir Terziev
We cordially invite you to the unveiling of the temporary installation "Storm Door" by Bulgarian artist Krassimir Terziev on August 31 at 3:00 pm at St.-Kassians-Platz.
During his donumenta Artist in Residence stay in Regensburg under the motto "HERITAGE TODAY / TOMORROW", the artist Krassimir Terziev from Sofia dealt with the visible historical traces of the UNESCO World Heritage City. Its historical significance is evident from Regensburg's time as a Roman legionary camp, medieval trading city and city of the Perpetual Diet, among other things.
"Storm Door" is a four-panel revolving door based on the shape of a cross. The cross represents the basic form for the construction of many cities, which Terziev thus takes up in his work.
The original city planning of Regensburg, which dates back to the Roman legionary camp Castra Regina, is also based on this form: The outer walls form a rectangle with gates on each side connecting intersecting main streets. One road runs from east to west, the other from north to south. Thus, they provide orientation in the form of the cardinal points N-O-S-W, which are the main directions of the compass rose and the basis of modern navigation.
With the work "Storm Door" Terziev locates people in this cross and offers them new perspectives on themselves and the history of Regensburg. The viewers are reflected in the revolving doors and recognize behind them evidence of their own history - historic buildings and historic pavement. Anyone who moves the revolving door creates a new form of orientation and allows aspects of history and the present to merge.
Portrait Artist
Bulgarian artist Krassimir Terziev (1969) lives and works in Sofia. He deals with various media such as film, photography, painting and drawings. In 1997 he received his master's degree in painting from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia and in 2012 he completed his Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at Sofia University, where he has also been teaching ever since. In his art, he raises questions about the demarcation between reality and fiction, and the changes and tensions in the globalized world. He also focuses on the multifaceted world of images and their basis in technological and human "hardware". He is also a member of the Institute of Contemporary Art in Sofia.