donumenta ART LAB on the Move

The mediation between art and society has been at the heart of donumenta e.V.'s work since it was founded. Since then, the association has followed the guiding principle: We bring art to the people. Video, virtual reality, installation, intervention, invented and realized by artists from the Danube region - analog and digital forms of art presentation in public space for people in the 21st century are created on this strategic basis.

donumenta e.V. is currently developing this concept further. With donumenta ART LAB on the Move, an artistically designed and curated art space is moving from district to district. In an environment where there is a lack of spaces for encounters and cultural appeal, this curated art space, inserted into a district, opens up new perspectives for an existing neighborhood. During the concept phase, the artist selected for the respective district focuses intensively on the neighborhood and its surroundings. The association creates the necessary conditions for this. The artists develop a site-specific concept.

donumenta e.V. uses art as a means of intercultural and cross-milieu understanding. Through decentralized events in Regensburg's districts, it actively involves various neighborhoods and residents. Weekly discussions on site in cooperation with associations and institutions from the respective district and representatives of donumenta e.V. promote this dialog.



Exhibition opening: "Animals, Man, Machine: Artificial Studies - Human Study #2

  • 04.06.2024,6:30 pm: POP UP-Room, Degginger, Regensburg
  • 04.06.2024, 7 pm: Artist Talk & Podium "Computer-generated art – drawn by robots – idea – arrangement – reception" (in English)
    As part of the Creative Network Tuesday (industry evening for the cultural and creative industries in Regensburg - organized by the Creative Industry Forum and the Regensburg Creative Authority)
    Speeches by:
    Patrick Tresset, artist
    Manuela Naveau, Professor at the University of Arts Linz, curator
    Moderation: Clemens Rudolph, chairman of Forum Kreativwirtschaft


From June 29th 2024 at Dörnberg-Forum: Tina Kohlmann (Frankfurt)

From September 2024 at BUZ Burgweinting: Gabriele Edlbauer & Julia S. Goodman (Vienna)